Our first collection is designed around the theme 'Ivory Coast'. For every product we sell, we support the albinist community in Ivory Coast with a portion of the money. We do this by setting up a local sunscreen production facility in Abidjan. In this way we can contribute to living conditions with sunscreen, education, training and employment.

How do we try to support?
Albinos have a lack of pigment to protect against the sun. Their skin burns immediately, making sunscreen essential. At Bigger Picture Clothing we don't believe in one-time donations. We believe in creating a system that promotes sustainable development. That is why we have teamed up with the Dutch foundation “Albinism in Africa”, which we support in setting up a local sunscreen production facility in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. With a portion of the money from each product sold, we can support this production facility. The support consists of the following components: sharing knowledge, designing the correct recipe, providing education about production and stocking Vaseline (a crucial ingredient).

Finally, we ensure that members of the albinist community produce the sunscreen themselves (like Marie-Noëlle in the photo), they of course receive compensation for this. Ultimately, when all jars of sunscreen have been successfully produced, they will be distributed for free within the albinist community. This way we can create sustainable & positive impact locally.
Results of the past year of this project
- 730 albinos in Ivory Coast provided with sunscreen
- 266,450 servings of sunscreen have been produced and distributed
- The albinist community in Ivory Coast grew to a total number of more than 1,100 people in 2020
Together we can ensure that every person with albinism in Ivory Coast is protected from the sun!