Making the world better
Fashion is fun, fashion is about expressing yourself. But what if the fashion industry turns out to be one of the most polluting industries in the world? And what if it turns out that the people who make all our clothes work under poor conditions and earn scandalously little?
Our aim is to make the world a better place for everyone and that goes beyond just clothing.

Sustainable production, what does that actually mean? At Bigger Picture we like to provide 100% transparency about the production of our products. In 2020 we started with bigger picture in which we immediately knew that we wanted to work in a sustainable way. After long research, we ended up at a factory in Portugal. This factory is certified. Because they only work with organic cotton in this factory, you not only choose a fine product, but also a positive impact on the world. Organic cotton retains quality longer, uses less water and avoids harmful chemicals and pesticides during the production process, resulting in healthier working conditions and a lower impact on biodiversity.
In 2022 we visited the factory ourselves and we made images of the production process. You can find these images below to look at
Our projects
To kickstart the brand, we started a social mission to 'the smiling coast of Africa', also known as Gambia. We collected 166 gift boxes and invested locally in several charities. It was an incredible experience and made us even more determined to create sustainable development with our brand. Together we can certainly have a real impact.
To combat this massive problem, we have partnered with MadeBlue. On our behalf, MadeBlue invests in water supply in countries with permanent water scarcity, such as Ethiopia & Tanzania. For every product we sell, we donate 1,000 liters of clean drinking water to the villages of Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia and Ngomai, Tanzania. MadeBlue not only donates the liters of clean drinking water, but also ensures that the water supplies are maintained by local people (who are trained for this), creating an infrastructure of people who benefit from the water supplies. With your order you will receive an official certificate proving that we have donated 1,000 liters of clean drinking water on your behalf for each item you order.
Our first collection is designed around the theme 'Ivory Coast'. For every product we sell, we support the albinist community in Ivory Coast with a portion of the money. We do this by setting up a local sunscreen production facility in Abidjan. In this way we can contribute to living conditions with sunscreen, education, training and employment.

our impact
The Bigger picture
There is still a lot to be achieved in the fashion world, which is why we at Bigger Picture are not standing still. We have been part of IDV since 2023, which allows us to make an even greater impact.
For us, 2024 is all about new collections and more visibility, allowing us to convey our mission to many more people and make an even greater positive impact on the world.